Threatening Weather No Obstacle For Jefferson County Trick-or-Treaters

Trick-or-Treating in front of Madison J. Photography Studios in Dandridge - Photo by Scott Johnson, Madison J. Photography

Trick-or-Treating in front of Madison J. Photography Studios in Dandridge – Photo by Scott Johnson, Madison J. Photography

High winds and a little rain did not dampen the Halloween spirit as trick-or-treaters made the rounds last Thursday evening. Several churches hosted trunk-or treat events and the Jefferson County Rescue Squad offered local children a safe option for a fun holiday.

The Historic Town Square in Dandridge was filled with ghosts and goblins, as community children came calling for candy. By eight o’clock, most of the jack-o-lanterns were dimmed and the tiny creatures of Halloween night were home picking through their sweet loot, separating the choice pieces from the rest of the bounty, and dreaming of next Halloween.

November 1st dawned bright and clear, with witches and costumes a thing of the past and focus shifted from candy corn to turkey and dressing. Oh, what a difference a day makes!

Source: K. Depew, News Director