Body Image

Caroline Graham Swann

Caroline Graham Swann

Hello darlings, most women do not like their bodies. They are always finding fault with their self image and wishing to be like the models and female stars in movies and television.  Believe me when I share with you, these women do not look like beauties when they get out bed in the morning.  It takes a  team of experts in the glamour world to change an average person into a stunning beauty.  Plus, it takes an iron will of discipline to exercise and diet, along with frequent trips to the plastic surgeon for botox and collagen  injections.

Having been in the world of print work modeling, film and television, I personally know the sacrifice it takes and the team of experts needed to create a stunning beauty using their magic wands of make up, and hair and fashion styling based on body type to ensure the perfection.  Any woman reading this article can change into a movie star look by exerting the effort it takes to achieve the high beauty standard. My wish is for you, my darling reader, to celebrate your natural beauty and stop comparing one’s self to the women in movies, television, and magazines.  Even with all the self discipline and team of beauty experts, most of the photos are air brushed, to remove the slightest imperfection.

One of my apartment mates in New York was Carre Otis, a top Vogue model. Guess Jeans and other top modeling jobs catapulted her to the title of Model of the Year in the 90’s.  I actually hurt for the sacrifices she made to remain the perfect size.  She ate like a bird, eating sea weed, seeds and a combination of foods with Japanese names that had no appetite appeal at all.  Actually I wondered if she ever looked forward to a meal or felt full. She ate the same thing day after day.

Model Carol Alt  now has a television program promoting eating only raw food, nothing cooked. It makes my tummy hurt to think about never feeling the warmth of wonderful healthy delicious food.

When I was in the mist of this world of discipline, I exercised at least six days a week, not just one type of exercise but Pilates, calisthenics. weights, yoga and running. Three to four hours of exercise a day. And, I certainly watched what I ate. I remember going through a  time period of three years when I did not have one morsel of candy, cake, cookies or any delicious temptation. I  am a sweetaloholic and chocolate is my passion, so this was such a great sacrifice for me.

If only women that compare their body images to the air brushed photos created by a team of experts who is responsible for the goddess of beauty look, could go through the experience and see themselves in the mirror after all of the experts have painted, brushed,  dressed to perfect and used the perfect lighting for them to change into a beauty icon, a new realization would dawn upon them.

Yes, the women on the media were turned into an image of perfection… but  it is not the real image of 99 per cent of the women in the world.

Source: Caroline Graham Swann