“Because It Had To Be Done”

Veterans Sunset feature

As the sun sets on Veteran’s Day 2013, it affords the opportunity to offer one more thank you to those who have so valiantly served our Nation. It is those men and women that offer a part of themselves to protect and preserve our homeland. Many have traveled to lands far away and viewed things that most only can only imagine. One widow of a World War II veteran said very simply and eloquently that…. “they (soldiers) did what they did because it had to be done”. On this, and everyday, we are indebted to those that answered the call, did what they did with courage and sacrificed so much for so many. When we sleep soundly at night, we do so under the blanket of protection that they have woven.  To our many Veterans of various battles and wars, we are grateful. When the sun rises and it is no longer Veteran’s Day, we will still be grateful. Though it may not be said enough, it is sincere and heartfelt. Thank You!

Source: K. Depew, News Director