Budget Committee – Insurance Dollars for JCHS Roof Collapse Still Being Negotiated

The Jefferson County Budget Committee met on Tuesday, November 12, 2013, in the Historic Jefferson County Courthouse.  The Meeting was Called to Order by Committee Chairman Griffith. Sitting in for Committee Member Dockery was Commissioner Tucker.  Following a Motion by Baxley and 2nd by Akard, the Committee Approved the Minutes of the October 15th meeting.

Director of Jefferson County Finance Helton brought four budget amendments before the Committee. One was for the County General Fund and was approved with a Motion from Akard and 2nd from Carmichael. One for the Sanitation/Landfill, which was Approved with a Motion from Akard and 2nd from Carmichael. They also Approved an amendment from Jefferson County Schools that recognized $50,000 from Insurance payment for the roof collapse at Jefferson County High School. According to Helton, the amendment represents only the first payment from the insurance and another one was received on Tuesday but has not been presented for approval. The full insurance payment amount is still in the negotiation process. Akard made the Motion to Approve and was 2nd by Beeler-the Motion was Approved. With a Motion by Akard and 2nd by Maples, the Committee Approved a Federal Purpose Budget request from the Jefferson County Schools.

In other action, with a Motion from Carmichael and 2nd from Maples, the Committee approved a high motion to postpone until January recommendations regarding debt financing.

Source: K. Depew, News Director