Letter To The Editor

"Letters To The Editor" do not necessarily reflect the opinions of The Jefferson County Post nor any of its employees. The Jefferson County Post does not underwrite any of the facts or situations mentioned in the letters.


Submitted by: Jean Wood

Dear Editor,

Since the filing of the lawsuit in Jefferson County seeking open records and open meetings of the Jefferson County Economic Development Oversight Committee, some of the Defendants have been publicly circulating an argument that the lawsuit is an effort to stop economic growth in the county. Nothing could be farther from the truth.

The lawsuit seeks open meetings and open records of EDOC. The lawsuit is based on the idea that taxpayers and property owners in Jefferson County are entitled to know what is being done with their tax money. Secret meetings, secret agendas, and plans conceived behind closed doors among only certain “inside” citizens of the county pose a threat to every landowner and taxpayer in this county. The mere fact that numerous requests for access have been denied confirms the obvious conclusion of wrong-doing. If the defendants did not need to hide their misuse of funds, then they would have opened the books on our first request. We were left with no remedy but to file a lawsuit.

The lawsuit has been filed to make sure that the people and the taxpayers of this county know what is happening and know what is being done with their money. Nothing more, and nothing less. The taxpayers expect good government, and good government is open government. If you have nothing to hide, then it is not necessary to play games.

Any effort by members of the Chamber and EDOC to argue that the lawsuit is an effort to stop economic development is based on a false premise. And they know that it is false. It has been made clear to both the Chamber and EDOC that our request for open meetings and open records is related to decisions and deliberations that would have an impact on the taxpayers and the property owners of Jefferson County. The lawsuit is not an effort to micromanage economic development or to stop or slow economic development in Jefferson County. It also has been made quite clear that the parties in this lawsuit are very much in favor of economic growth and development and the success of Jefferson County.

The bottom line is that all taxpayers in Jefferson County deserve the truth about how their tax dollars are being spent, and the officials (elected and appointed) must be held accountable for their actions. This form of government is “good” government, and in the end, openness and transparency in Jefferson County Government and industrial development might well serve as a motivator for businesses located outside the county to consider Jefferson County as a part of their future.

Source: "Letters To The Editor" do not necessarily reflect the opinions of The Jefferson County Post nor any of its employees. The Jefferson County Post does not underwrite any of the facts or situations mentioned in the letters.