Jefferson County Commission Work Session
Preparation For Tonight's Meeting
The Jefferson County Commission held their Regular Monthly Work Session on Tuesday, November 13, 2012 at the Historic Jefferson County Courthouse. The Meeting was Called to Order by Commission Chairman Mills.
Commissioner Tucker stated that the Approval of the Minutes slotted for vote at the next meeting are dated one year back. Tucker asked that an agenda item be added to address additional hours for the Commission Secretary to allow her time for the increase in duties. Chairman Mills stated that the Commission Secretary is highly competent and a valuable asset to the Commission and that the Minutes, though not the only ones that are behind, are not all behind and that some were pushed back to provide time for others, which dealt with timely issues, to be transcribed and presented for approval.
One name was added to the Notaries and Bonds for approval.
The Honorable O. Duane Slone addressed the Commission regarding funds that are available for use for the Drug Court. The Drug Court is a program that focuses on rehabilitation and accountability for habitual drug users. Judge Slone requested $112, 801 that is held in reserve for substance abuse programs be released to the Drug Court for the purpose of transitional housing. Judge Slone stated that the addition of transitional housing will allow for more grant opportunities. The funds are collected from DUI fees and their use is restricted. The Drug Court program in Jefferson County is exceptional, according to Judge Slone, and the funds, though only a small portion of funding that is associated with the program, will help propel the program further and increase their funding reach. Jefferson County Mayor Palmieri stated that he supports the work of the program and the release of the reserved funds.
Jefferson County Finance Director Helton advised the Commission that he will be requesting budget amendments and stated that the requests had already come through budget committee. Commissioner Tucker requested an update on the renovation project at Jefferson County High School and inquired about the mold situation. Director of Maintenance, Transportation and Capitol Projects for the Jefferson County Schools, Michael Phagan, stated that the project will go out for bid around the 1st of the year and that a March start dated is likely. The new roofing and ceiling should alleviate the mold situation.
Jefferson County Chamber of Commerce Director Cason introduced new EDOC Director Garrett Waggley. Cason stated that several new fishing tournaments are slotted for Spring and Summer.
Finance Committee Chairman Cureton stated that officers had been elected and that he was serving as Chair and Estes was elected to Vice Chairman. The Committee will continue to address the Director of Finance evaluation, the EMS personnel policy and some leave issues for the Sheriff’s Department. The Finance Committee will meet on the 2nd Monday of every month.
The Budget Committee Chairman Griffith stated that a total of 6 budget amendments will be presented for approval, both with and without fund balance impact. The Committee will also be looking at a replacement vehicle for the Environmental Department, however no recommendation is expected at the next meeting of the full body.
The Public Service Committee Acting Chairman Turner stated that Tabor was elected Chairman, Carmichael was elected Vice Chairman and Barreiro was elected Secretary.
The Facilities Committee Chairman Turner stated that officer positions had been elected and that he will serve as Chair, Dockery as Vice Chairman and Tabor as Secretary.
Under New Business, the Commission will address the issue of a Capitol Outlay Note Resolution for $698,587 (Davis Bacon Act)
Commissioner Turner stated that the Commission needs to address the Committee Organizational Resolution and do housekeeping on language. He also said that the Committee Alpha Roster and Appointments are in disarray and need to be addressed. Turner requested that the Mayor’s office supply an updated list of Committee placements and roster for those committees that he places. The Commission will have to address the Committees that are Commission driven. In other notable action, Commission broke in mid meeting for an executive session. The Meeting was Adjourned.