Planning For Holiday Events

Caroline Graham Swann

Caroline Graham Swann

Hello, my sweets! I trust that you all had a wonderful, calorie rich Thanksgiving dinner. I know that I did. Now it is time to plan for all of those holiday events. Be it casual or elegant, tis the season to have fun with your style. I love to celebrate every day and look for ways to incorporate the season into my daily wear. My niece simply adores pins and the holidays offer daily opportunities to wear a great pin. They need not be expensive and they can be fun or elegant, simple or simply outlandish, depending on your style and accompanying clothing.

If pins are not your style, do not fret. A cute Christmas themed bracelet can do the same thing and can be worn everyday during the season. Some enjoy wearing bell necklaces and earrings, but be careful because cute is great but you don’t want to sound like your neighbor’s cat every time you turn your head.

And speaking of headwear, this is a great way to indulge in the season’s accessories. A great hat doesn’t have to be expensive. Look for one that has its own accessory, such as a flower or fluffy ball, and try to wear it a little tilted to add interest. If you purchase a plain toboggan, jazz it up with a holiday pin. This will really personalize it and make it look trendy.

For some fashionistas, fashion jewelry is out but a great scarf in a seasonal color will also be festive. If all of the above are simply not your style, pick up a shimmer lotion or eye shadow. A little glitter and shimmer is fun and festive and just enough to remind you that these days are special.

Naturally, we will be getting into all the holiday fashion dos and don’ts but these few tips will be enough to jump start the season. Remember that fashion and the holidays are fun and should be enjoyed daily.

Source: Caroline Graham Swann