Whipped Coconut Cream

recipe-dessertI know Thanksgiving has passed and thoughts are now turning from pumpkin pie to fudge and candy canes.  However, I just could not pass up this opportunity to share my newest discovery, whipped coconut cream.  Since my self diagnosis of lactose intolerance a couple weeks ago, I have tried not to have any dairy whatsoever.  This had saddened me greatly when it came time for the Thanksgiving meal and my favorite dessert, pumpkin pie.  To me, it’s not a good piece of pumpkin pie if you can still see the pie under the whipped cream.  Really, I’m serious about this.  So I was absolutely thrilled when I came across a recipe for whipped coconut cream as a substitute for homemade whipped (dairy) cream.  This is amazing stuff!  And trust me, it does not even taste like coconut (my coconut hating husband can vouch for this).


2 cans (~ 15 oz. each) coconut milk (original or full fat, not lite)

1 t vanilla

¼ cup powdered sugar


Place cans of coconut milk in refrigerator overnight or longer to chill.  The thick cream will separate from the liquid and settle on top.

When ready to make the whipped cream, open the can, scoop out the thick cream, and place in a mixing bowl.  Discard the remaining liquid or use for another purpose.

Add vanilla and powdered sugar to coconut cream and beat with an electric mixer until stiff peaks form.  Use immediately and store any left over in refrigerator in airtight container.  (The coconut cream will get fluffy like traditional homemade whipped cream, but it will not increase much in volume.)

Source: Recipe by Tricia Swann