New Year Resolutions for Children and Parents

Growing YearsWith the New Year (2014) just ahead of you, why not start a new tradition by making resolutions for the year with your child? This is a great way to help your child develop new and better habits. Be reasonable about expectations and participate with your own resolutions (make it a family event). Help generate ideas for resolutions with your child, but let the final decision be his/hers… remember fewer is better. Create a ceremony for the event by writing the resolutions down and placing them in a special place, to be read and evaluated at the end of 2014. I’m listing a few ideas to get you started. Have a safe, blessed and HAPPY NEW YEAR!.

For Very Young Children:

I will clean up my toys.

I will wash my hands after going to the bathroom.

I will wash my hands before eating.

I will brush my teeth twice a day.

For School Age Kids:

I will do my homework with little to no prompting.

I will spend some time each day in an active activity.

I will be in bed on time.

I will drink a glass or bottle of water each day.

I will never give out personal information (name, address, school, telephone number) to strangers or anyone on the internet.

I will observe seat belt rules at all times.

I will be friendly to kids who need a friend.

I will clean and pick up things in my room at least twice a week.

I will keep my things in my room.

For Teens:

I will wipe negative “self talk” (i.e. “I can’t do it” or “I’m so dumb”) out of my vocabulary.

I will eat at least one fruit and one vegetable every day.

I will drink a glass or bottle of water each day.

I will spend some time each day in an active activity.

I will talk with an adult about my choices, when faced with difficult decisions.

I will gain respect by showing respect to others.

I will volunteer in my school or community to help others at least five times during the year.

I will make good choices.

I will handle my anger in more constructive ways.

For Parents:

I will be a good role model for my child.

I will reward my child for his good behavior.

I will practice patience and understanding as a parent.

I will practice healthy eating and teach good nutrition.

I will help my family participate in physical activities on a weekly basis.

I will demonstrate positive ways to handle stress.

Source: Linda G. Swann, M.S. Early Childhood / SPED