Much to be thankful for.

Really 300xChristmas is over and a New Year is just around the corner, so perhaps it’s time to reflect then look ahead, just a bit.

I have much to be thankful for and would like to take a moment to indulge that particular emotion. I am thankful for the time I have spent this year with family. I’m all too aware this time is not a given; it is a blessing. And yes, family includes my stupid dog who sits on top of me, barks when I rearrange the lawn chairs, and has eaten enough Christmas Legos that I fully expect to find a stinky pile of Lego village in my yard.

It also includes my daughter, who took time with Dad too literally Christmas Eve. Two o’clock is not the family time of which I’m referring. I don’t even know if two is late night or early morning. All I know is she was awake and so was I, reluctantly thankful.

I am also thankful for the opportunity to give, receive, and share love. May this spirit of Christmas extend through the entire New Year.

Speaking of the New Year, it is a time of possibility. A blank page is before us and we’ve only to write our story. Perhaps your story will include love, or wonder, or passion. The play is yours, and it’s time for the first act to be penned. As for me, I’m including goats.

Source: David Swann