FAFSA and Taxes

I have a son that will be attending college next year and I need to fill out the FAFSA so that he can get his scholarship money. The only problem is that I will not receive my information from my employer regarding taxes for another few weeks. I know that time is important and would like to speed up the process. Do you have any suggestions?

It is possible to go ahead and fill out the FAFSA using estimated taxes and adjustments will be made it you are far off when you get the actual tax form finished. If you have a reasonable idea of what your taxable income is then that avenue could be an option. Though time is certainly important, if the paperwork is filled out and turned in during January, you will most likely be on schedule. If you are concerned, there is also a help line that is associated with the FAFSA or you can contact the State Department of Education in Nashville for advice.

Source: K. Depew, News Director