TWRA and Panther Creek State Park Winter Harvest Feast Set for Jan 18, 2014

TWRA Region 4 Wildlife Program Coordinator Pete Wyatt prepares wild game stew in a copper pot over an open fire and one of his signature fruit cobblers on a Dutch oven.

TWRA Region 4 Wildlife Program Coordinator Pete Wyatt prepares wild game stew in a copper pot over an open fire and one of his signature fruit cobblers on a Dutch oven.

The TWRA and Panther Creek State Park are planning a day of cooking to celebrate the harvest of the hunting season’s wild game and nature’s finest delicacies.

On Saturday, Jan. 18, from 8 a.m. – 6 p.m. the TWRA and PCSP invite the public to join them at the park’s Spoone Shelter to enjoy a “Winter Harvest Feast” to sample wild game and homemade jam’s and jellies.

TWRA and PCSP personnel will be cooking venison and other wild meat on Dutch Ovens and open fire.  The public is welcome to bring prepared dishes on the day of the event.

There will also be air rifle and archery target shooting for children.

The park is located on Cherokee lake at 2010 Panther Creek Park Road
in Morristown.

If anyone has wild game that they would like to donate beforehand, please contact TWRA Region 4 Wildlife Program Coordinator Pete Wyatt at 423-522-2451 or 423-587-7037.