The Buzzz!!

the buzzz small featuredThe Buzz word this week is qualifying. With the date to turn in petitions looming, political bees are in a swarm about who is making the deadline. Buzzy Bees in the know are buzzing that the King Bees position will be down to three and that one potential high flier is planning a no show. The low humm is that badge wearing bees may still be a contest of three, even with one flying under the radar until the last second. The low, low humm is that the paperwork is in to the Nashville hive and one is just waiting to keep the chatter high.

And in other buzz, four have qualified for a judicial contest but, so far, none have turned in to defend, making the balance of justice a little one sided. The buzz says that things are not always as they seem and it may bee beneficial to look in the shadows behind the drones in the waspish three to see the big picture. Buzzzz.

Source: K. Depew, News Director