Jefferson County Board of Zoning Appeals & Planning Commission Meeting, Feb 25, 2014

The Jefferson County Planning Commission and Board of Zoning Appeals met in a scheduled meeting on February 25, 2014. The Board of Zoning Appeals was called to order by Terry Reneau and minutes from the last meeting were approved. The Board heard a request from homeowner Deno Belcastro, who was accompanied by Russell Kent. Mr. Belcastro requested a variance for a carport located in the front of his home and a side variance of 6 inches to 2.5 feet from side setbacks. The board recognized that there is an ongoing property line dispute involving Mr. Belcastro and a neighbor. After a lengthy question and answer session, David Williams, County Planning Director, recommended allowing the carport to remain in the front of the home while denying the side setback variance. Commissioner Wayne Shrader made a motion to grant a variance on the front yard placement but deny the side setback variance. Commissioner Condon Batson seconded the motion and it was approved. The Board of Zoning Appeals was then adjourned.

The Planning Commission was called to order by Chairman Terry Reneau. The minutes from the last meeting were approved and the board moved onto new business. A PUD plat revision for Bouldercrest Villas was requested by Glen Glafenhein, who addressed the board along with Engineer Doug Hodge. They sought to increase the number of planned units from 28 to 34, with some being duplex structures instead of single family dwellings. The Board heard from Tom Carter, Director of the Environmental Health Department, who stated that the development is only approved for 28 units based on the paperwork that he has now. Mr. Hodge stated that he had a letter from Bob O”Dette, which gives them the green light to increase the number of units built, as long as water usage is monitored and remains below established flow rates. Tom Carter stated that he has no problem with the construction of more units in the development, however, they are not in possession of the letter from Mr. O’Dette and must rely on the submitted and approved paperwork which only allows for the construction of 28 units. David Williams suggests approving the preliminary site plan allowing for customization of each individual home site while working with Tim Seals, Jefferson County Compliance Officer. The Site Plan must be reviewed again in one year and the County must possess a copy of the letter from Bob O’Dette. Commissioner Tucker suggests approving only the 28 units until the letter is received. Commissioner Tucker made a motion to approve the preliminary plat for construction of 28 units. Commissioner Batson seconded the motion and it was approved. The Board then heard a request from Rick Butterworth for a site plan revision for an addition to the Right Way Food Market on Hwy. 139. David Williams stated that the addition will have no impact on traffic flow or waste water flow and he suggested approving the revision. Commissioner Shrader made a motion to approve and Commissioner Batson seconded the motion and it was approved.

Source: Kimberly Myers, Jefferson County Post Staff Writer