Motion To Equalize Benefits Fails In Commission

The Jefferson County Commission met for their Regular Voting Session on Monday, April 21, 2014 in the Historic Jefferson County Courthouse.  The meeting was Called to Order by Commission Chairman Mills. Absent from Roll Call were Commissioners Dockery and Barriero. Upon a Motion from Commissioner Scarlett and 2nd from Commissioner Turner the Minutes of the Special Joint Session (February 11, 2014) were Approved.

One citizen, a student at Jefferson County High School and representative of the JCHS Technology Student Cooperation, requested funding for the Robotics program. With a Motion from Commissioner Estes and 2nd from Turner the Commission Approved the Notaries and Bonds. Commissioner Kesterson made a Motion to accept nominations from the Nominating Committee and was 2nd by Commissioner Carmichael. The Motion followed discussion of the recommendations not coming before the Commission in Work Session because a quorum was lost during the meeting. Kesterson/Carmichael Motion Passed. Nominating Committee Chairman Tucker brought four Committee recommendations for four open seats on the Agricultural Extension Committee- Commissioners Dockery and Scarlett/ Citizens Hickman and Shannon-and all were Approved. He also brought four Committee recommendations for the Board of Equalization-Carmichael and Manning via letter of interest and Briggs and Hardy as former Committee Members that expressed interest in remaining on the Board. Commissioner Beeler brought former Committee Member Smith to the floor and Commissioner Estes brought former Committee Member Henry to the floor. Chairman Tucker stated that he had contacted all members going off the Committee and only two, Briggs and Hardy, had expressed interest in the position. Smith, Hardy, Briggs and Henry were appointed by Full Commission vote.

Under Reports from Elected Officials, Jefferson County Mayor Palmieri stated that County Departments were requested to not submit any increases in their budgets for the second year in a row and that the cost of doing business has increased it the last two years. He stated that equipment needs, such as computers, that are used to serve the citizens are in disrepair and consideration should be given to all County Departments during the budgeting process. He also stated that he had been asked if there is the possibility of a continuing budget amendment and that the statute requires that the budget be approved before or in the July meeting.

Under Reports from Boards, Committees and Commissions, Budget Committee Chairman Griffith informed the Commission that the feasibility of equalization of benefits for all County employees was questionable.

In New Business, with a Motion for Akard and 2nd from Tucker, the Commission Approved Resolution 2014-11 authorizing submission of an application for a Litter and Trash Collecting Grant from the Tennessee Department of Transportation and authorizing the acceptance of the grant. Commissioner Akard made a Motion and was 2nd by Carmichael to accept the Highway Commissioners Recommendation of David Cate for the unexpired term of Lynn Henry. The Motion was Approved and Commissioner Solomon brought the name of Condon Batson to the table for the position. Following Full Commission vote, Cate will serve in the unexpired term.

With a Motion from Estes and 2nd from Akard, the Commission Approved Resolution 2014-10 authorizing a continuous 5 year reappraisal cycle. Dandridge Town Administrator Peagler and Town Attorney Gass requested a repayment plan for back owed mixed drink tax that would allow the Town to defer back payments until the note for the road improvements associated with the signal light project are paid, which would make the first of five equal installments beginning in 2019. The initial request was for in kind payment which County Attorney Drinnon advised was unallowable. Director of Schools Edmonds addressed the issue and stated that the School Board had brought a proposal requesting three equal installments over three years. Baneberry Mayor stated that the amount owed would be very difficult for Baneberry to pay back without an extended pay back plan. Commissioner Tucker made a motion to accept Dandridge’s proposal to delay a five year payback plan and was 2nd by Commissioner Maples. Commissioner Scarlett made an amendment to allow both Dandridge and Baneberry to make payments of equal amounts over a ten year period ( the longest allowed) running concurrently with new yearly payments and beginning in the fiscal year 2014-2015. The Motion Passed with Kesterson abstaining and Musick voting No. The Motion as amended was Approved with a like vote.

With a Motion from Griffin and 2nd from Akard, the Commission Approved on a 12-7 vote (Kesterson, Maples, Tabor, Blevins, Scarlett, Tucker and Carmichael) the transfer of funds in the amount of $440,000 assigned to window replacement for the use in repair of the Jefferson County High School Football Stadium. Mayor Palmieri stated that the need for stadium repairs was brought to his attention several years ago during inspections with the County maintenance department.

Budget Committee Chairman Griffith brought by recommendation 4 budget amendments for Approval. County General Fund budget amendment #7 and Landfill Fund amendment # 3 were jointly Approved. Jefferson County Schools General Fund budget amendment # 3, which included the funding for the triple wide portable, was Approved with Tucker, Scarlett and Blevins voting No. Jefferson County Schools General Purpose Budget Amendment #2 was Approved.

Jefferson County Finance Director Helton brought a termination of lease with Dr. Milligan, at Bishop Avenue in Jefferson City, to allow the sale of that building. It was Approved with a Motion form Tabor and 2nd from Turner-(Scarlett Abstained). The termination will not take effect until November. Helton also brought Resolution 2014-12 to Declare Scrap Metal and Equipment Surplus for the Highway Department which was Approved with a Motion from Kesterson and 2nd from Estes.

Following a lengthy discussion regarding the equalization of benefits between County employees ( including the Department of Education), Commissioner Scarlett made a Motion to include in next year’s budget the funds to pay retirement benefits for County employees, moving toward equalization of benefits. Scarlett was 2nd by Tucker and the Motion Failed with Kesterson, Mills, Patterson, Baxley, Musick, Tabor, Cureton, Turner, Griffith, Solomon, Akard, Estes, Beeler and Sheets voting No.

Source: K. Depew, News Director