Calling Small Business Owners…

The Clinch-Powell Resource Conservation and Development Council does a lot of things. Ecotourism at River Place on the Clinch and on the Appalachian Quilt Trail brings positive attention and money in to our rural areas. Housing help and financial counseling bring peace of mind to our community members.

It may seem like the RC&D does a lot of unrelated things, but it all makes sense under the umbrella of helping rural communities in our area: helping families find safe places to live, helping to keep our watershed clean and thriving and doing our part to boost the local economy.

In keeping with the spirit of helping our community, the Clinch-Powell RC&D offers loans of up to $45,000.00 to small businesses and entrepreneurs. The application process includes a detailed business plan, appropriate collateral and specific plans for the money, such as purchasing equipment. This loan can not be used for day-to-day operations. Interest rates are below market and based on the applicant’s credit score, the loan amount and security.

Do you have a small business idea just waiting to hatch and fly? Perhaps you’ve been running an operation from home, and you just need that little financial boost to get your small business to the next level. RC&D would like to help.

To find out more about getting a small business loan with Clinch-Powell RC&D, please visit or call Lindy Turner at (865) 828-5927.

Source: Meghan Palmer, Appalachia CARES/AmeriCorps