Town of Dandridge Board of Mayor and Aldermen Meet

The Town of Dandridge held a meeting on June 10, 2014 at the Public Works Building. Mayor Gantte called to order a regular meeting of the Dandridge Beer Board. Following Roll Call with all members present, the Minutes from the May 13 meeting were approved. Mayor Gantte moved onto business, relaying a conversation with representatives of Food City who informed him that they were going to push for liquor by the drink in Dandridge, as this would allow Food City to request to sell beer and wine in the Dandridge store, making them competitive with other like stores. The Board considered and ordinance that will amend Section 8-210(3) of the Municipal Code-Contents of Beer Application by removing some of the restrictions placed on the sale of beer, particularly in the Historical District of Dandridge. Alderman David Jones made a motion to consider the ordinance with a second from Alderman Pam Farrar. A roll call vote produced a 5 -2 vote, with Aldermen Ken Thornhill and Todd Kesterson voting No. The consideration of the ordinance was approved and with no other business the meeting was adjourned.

Mayor George Gantte then called to order the regular meeting of the Board of Mayor and Aldermen. Following roll call and the approval of the May 13 meeting minutes, a financial report was given by the Town Recorder, Cathy Dixon. She stated that the Town of Dandridge had a balance of $774575.03 and a money market balance of $69929.61. The first item of business was the third and final reading of Ordinance No.13/14-25. Alderman Thornhill made a motion to approve the ordinance and Alderman Chambers gave a second. The motion passed with a vote of 7-0. Next was the first reading of Ordinance No.13/14-24, the ordinance addressed earlier by the Beer Board. Alderman Jones made a motion to accept the ordinance on First Reading, with a second from Alderman Farrar. The vote was 5-2, with Aldermen Thornhill and Kesterson voting No. The First Reading of Ordinance No. 13/14-26 adopting Historic District Design guidelines, and with a quick motion from Alderman Farrar and a second from Alderman Jones, the First Reading passed 7-0. The First Reading of Ordinance No.13/14-27, amending the “Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Dandridge, Tennessee” by adding section 14-415 for a Mixed Use District was the fourth ordinance addressed by the Board. Melissa Peagler, Town Administrator, told the Board there had been some question regarding Pawn Shops in this new district, and since pawn shops were listed in B-2 districts, the ordinance would have to be amended to include them in the new district. Alderman Chambers made a motion to accept the First Reading with the revision to include pawn shops and Alderman Kesterson was the second. That motion failed 3-4, with Mayor Gantte, Vice Mayor Nelson and Aldermen Farrar and Thornhill voting No.

Alderman Kesterson then made a motion to accept the ordinance as presented, and with a second from Alderman Jones the Board passed unanimously. The next item was First Reading of Ordinance No.13/14-01, Adopting the Annual Budget for the Fiscal Year Beginning July 1, 2014 and Ending June 30, 2015. With a motion and second from Aldermen Jones and Chambers, the First Reading was approved 7-0. Ordinance, No.13/14-16, was tabled by the Board on the advice of Town Administrator Peagler. The ordinance dealt with Acceptance of the Proposal of the TN Department of Transportation regarding the construction of the bridge project in Dandridge. Ms. Peagler stated that there was a redesign that she had not seen and some aspects of the proposal were questionable. The Board moved on to Ordinance No.13/14-17, To Reestablish the Parks and Recreation Commission. This ordinance, along with a Proclamation to honor out-going Chamber of Commerce President Don Cason passed unanimously.

The first item under New Business was a donation request from The Point Resort to benefit the Boys and Girls Club of Dumplin Valley Summer Program. David Hayes addressed the Board on behalf of The Point and stated that the “Shake the Lake” fireworks event was a losing event for resort. He said they lost $5000.00 on the event in 2014, which is also the amount donated by The Point to the Boys and Girls Club. Mr. Hayes requested that the Town of Dandridge donate $5000.00 to help sponsor the event this year. He also stated that without this support the fireworks event would be cancelled. Alderman Kesterson said that he was uncomfortable using such a large amount of tax payer’s money in that way. In addition to the $1500 donation last year, the Town of Dandridge had all officers and reserves on duty during the event and that is also an expense for the Town. Mr. Hayes stated that they had already received over $8000.00 in donations toward the event this year, but without the help of the Town of Dandridge, The Point would not be able to have the fireworks event. He said they had only broken even on the Bass Tournament, even with a $10000.00 donation from the Jefferson County Chamber of Commerce. The Board voted to approve the regular $1500 donation.

Ms. Peagler addressed the Board regarding her recommendation to rescind the Tournament Agreement with South Jefferson Little League. She stated that she was just not comfortable with the financial questions that she had. Alderman Chambers made a motion to rescind the agreement and with a quick second the motion passed unopposed. Ms. Peagler moved on to the DWMF Loan Refinancing, stating a resolution would be ready for the Board’s approval at the July meeting. The Board approved the Farmer’s Market Concept Plan which will allow for the addition of future public spaces. Mayor Gantte reminded the Board to complete the 6 month evaluation for the Town Administrator.

The Board of Mayor and Alderman revisited on Second Reading Ordinances No.13/14-26, No.13/14-27 and No.13/14-0, all passing unopposed. Ordinance No.13/14-24 to amend Section 8-210(3) of the Dandridge Municipal Code-Contents of Beer Application passed with a vote of 5-2 following a motion from Jones and a second from Farrar.

The final item on the agenda dealt with any miscellaneous business and Town Administrator Peagler submitted a request from the Fire Department for reimbursement of $7500.00 for turnout gear that they had purchased. The Department is supported by the Town of Dandridge and donations it receives from city water customers. The donation letters sent by the fire department go to the 3000 customers on the water department customer role, but the department provides service for over 22000 people. The Board discussed ways to better solicit donations from all those served by the fire department. After an approved motion from Alderman Jones to place the item on the agenda and a second from Alderman Chambers, Jones then made a motion to pay the Fire Department $7500.00. Alderman Chambers seconded the motion, which passed unopposed. With no other business, the meeting was adjourned.

Source: Kimberly Myers, Jefferson County Post Staff Writer