County Commission Declines To Approve Urban Growth Extensions

The Jefferson County Commission met for their Regular Monthly Session on Monday, June 16, 2014 in the Historic Jefferson County Courthouse.  The Meeting was Called to Order by Commission Chairman Mills. Absent from Roll Call was Commissioner Barreiro.  With a Motion from Commissioner Akard and 2nd from Commissioner Turner the Minutes were Approved.

Five citizens appeared before the Commission regarding the proposed growth boundary resolution. All were in opposition to the resolution and requested that the Commission deny the proposal or provide protection for appropriate growth. One also requested that Jefferson County Chamber of Commerce funding be halted until issues within the Chamber are reconciled.

With a Motion from Commissioner Estes and 2nd from Commissioner Scarlett, the Notaries and Bonds were Approved.

Jefferson County Mayor Palmieri stated that there will be a special called meeting on June 26, 2014 for end of fiscal year business. Mayor Palmieri will also include a mutual aid agreement with White Pine on the meeting call.

Commissioner Scarlett requested information on certified tax rate and was informed by Jefferson County Finance Director Helton that County growth was not included in the formula and the actual number needed to achieve the same amount of property tax generation as the current fiscal year is $2.21 rather than $2.28. Helton stated that with the growth included the real equivalent tax rate would be 7 cents lower than the $2.28 rate that was certified by the State.

Under New Business, Resolution 2014-2013 rezoning request from Industrial to Agricultural- Forestry for 638 Grove Road (Franklin property) was Approved. The Commission declined to approve a Resolution by the Urban Growth Committee to expand growth boundaries, noting legislative action that is under consideration. The Resolution Failed Unanimously with Kesterson abstaining.

The Commission Unanimously Approved Resolution 2014-14 to adopt a Continuing Budget & Tax Rate for the Fiscal Year beginning July 1, 2014, with a Motion from Commissioner Tucker and 2nd from Commissioner Turner.

Budget Committee Vice Chairman Dockery brought six budget amendments that were taken as a group for approval. Five of the six were end of year housekeeping and had no fund balance impact. One, for the Highway Department, moved funds from a reserve account to a line item for use. The amendments were Approved.

Source: K. Depew, News Director