Letters To The Editor – No Labor Day Fireworks


“Letters To The Editor” do not necessarily reflect the opinions of The Jefferson County Post nor any of its employees.  The Jefferson County Post does not underwrite any of the facts or situations mentioned in the letters.

Submitted by: The Point Resort


The City of Dandridge has once again curtailed the holiday activities of their residents. The Point Resort was scheduled to shoot fireworks Friday night to celebrate the Labor Day holiday. In order to do so, it was necessary for the bridge to be closed down for 30 minutes because of safety measure. Everything was signed and set to go. The City Council voted not to close the bridge for this event.

The City of Dandridge has received upwards of $600,000.00 from The Point Resort as the City of Dandridge receives 5% of the gross sales from The Point Resort. The owners of The Point Resort have spent $6,000,000.00 to build and maintain the facility since 2003. Prior to The Point ownership, the City of Dandridge was paid $1000.00 a year for a 30 year lease. The City has benefitted exponentially from The Point, yet for some reason, the City Council refuses to accommodate the owners on any level. They have gone on record that they wish to run the owners of The Point out as they have an investment group wishing to take it over. They have also gone on record making inflammatory remarks regarding The Point even though they are making 50 times more on The Point annually than they were paid by the previous tenant. Sadly, due to the bad faith and meritless remarks made by the Dandridge City Council, The Point will no longer be holding special events for the citizens of Dandridge and Jefferson County. We felt it was important to put this message out there because we know how much the members of our community look forward to these events. That is evident by the number of people that attend each one. We hope the members of our community will see that it is by no fault of our own that the special events will no longer happen. We encourage you to make it known to the councilmen that you do not appreciate their strong arming what holiday activities can be held.

Thank you,
The Point Resort

Source: "Letters To The Editor" do not necessarily reflect the opinions of The Jefferson County Post nor any of its employees. The Jefferson County Post does not underwrite any of the facts or situations mentioned in the letters.