The Buzzz!!

the buzzz small featuredThe buzz this week is that they are back. The head governmental hive will convene this week and some new drones may bee looking to mesh with the old guard. Buzzy Bees in the know are buzzing that plans are in the works for the swarm to gather outside the hive. The low humm is that some in and outside the hive are wondering if a name tag and party hat are worth the shadow that may bee cast. The low, low humm is that sometimes crossing agendas make for strange bedfellows and frienemies that share the cool aid are almost as frustrating as the split.

And in other buzz, continued digging has some in the local business hives feeling the sting. The buzz says that it could bee weeks more of shoulder high asphalt bee fore it ends and that could bee just enough to make a nest of nasty for some. Old alliances could bee waspish for some of the old guard in the Jeff City hive and rumblings in the nest are pointing to a possible change blowing through come November. Buzzzz

Source: K. Depew, News Director