Spin The Bottle

editorial-logo3September has arrived and with it a brand new Jefferson County Commission. Well, almost brand new, several are returning but it is definitely a new mix. September represents a chance to start again and do things better this time. Hopefully, gone will be the days of voting as a team sport and votes will be thoughtful and individual. I must admit that I am concerned that this Commission already has plans to gather outside of the regular meeting structure for a “meet and greet” for Commission members. Call me picky, or perhaps suspicious, but this just rubs me the wrong way. I cannot come up with one good reason that this new Commission should brush the sunshine law in the name of what? Becoming friends?

Not only do I not care if members of this Commission are friends, I find it disturbing that they would want a social gathering to bond. They were elected independently to govern this County. While I do expect that they will treat each other professionally and have decorum while conducting the business of this County, it muddies the water to have contrived social interaction. Natural social interaction will happen and it is not only expected but mandated that it not interfere with decision making.

With no chairman elected, some Commissioners will be scrambling for votes and others will be equally determined to foil their attempt to hold office. Planning a meet and greet anytime is begging for trouble. Planning a meet and greet, well out of the public eye, before this Commission is settled is either foolhardy or strategic. Neither bodes well for the start of a new generation of Commissioners. Coming from constituents that have watched the team voting alliances disintegrate the governing body into an ineffective Jerry Springer episode, we just want professionalism and thoughtful representation. The thought of 21 bffs is almost as frightening as the former dysfunction. Neither is an effective way to run a government. My advice to Commissioners, meet and greet your constituents and keep the professional relationships professional. We have already had four years of blurring the lines.

Source: K. Depew, News Director