When Will the Roads Be Repaired?

Asked AnsweredI was wondering if you have any idea how much longer the roads are going to be torn up in front of the courthouse in Dandridge. I came by the other day to get something at the County Clerk’s office and the roads were horrible. Some people in town told me that they have been that way for months and I just think that we can do better than that in this County.

I am happy to say that the roads should be much better soon. To clarify, it was not the County that did the construction, that was a project of the Town of Dandridge and Jefferson Cocke Utility. TDOT has plans to pave soon and that will be the final phase of construction. Now would be a wonderful time to support the downtown businesses that have had a rough few months due to construction. Look for smoother roads on the horizon, as they are reported to be coming very soon.

Source: K. Depew, News Director