Too Old to Trick-or-Treat?

Asked AnsweredMy daughter is in middle school and she and her friends want to go trick or treating on Halloween. I told her that she is a little old to go door to door but she says that a lot of the kids her age still go out. Do you think that it is appropriate for a girl her age to trick or treat?

I really hate to step in a family argument but if I must, I will have to side with both Mom and daughter on this one. Some cities have banned trick or treating after the age of twelve, for the safety of the teens and homeowners. While it may be fine to trick or treat at homes that your daughter knows well, I would suggest avoiding the mass trick or treating of younger years. Certainly, costumes are a concern and many will not open the door to masked teens and adults for safety reasons. It is unfortunate that, while middle school age children often look like adults and older teens, they are just simply not that mature yet and often still enjoy more childlike pursuits. Perhaps it is time to compromise with your daughter and have some friends over for a costume party or bon fire. This seems to be a happy way to bridge those awkward years that tweens reside in and could solve your Halloween dilemma.

Source: K. Depew, News Director