Too Soon To Decorate?

Asked AnsweredNow that Halloween is over, I was thinking about doing a little Christmas decorating. My friend says that I should hold out and not decorate until after Thanksgiving. Not only do I love Christmas, I am also out of town for the week following Thanksgiving. Is it too soon to decorate?

When to decorate for Christmas has become a divisive question. Because it takes a lot of time and sometimes money to decorate, many people want to start early. This year at least one area of the County is having their Christmas tree lighting before Thanksgiving and retailers will certainly be decorated. My Mother hosts the entire family for Thanksgiving and she is always fully decorated before they arrive. Many families have their large gathering for the holidays on Thanksgiving and like to have their decorations up by then. Some, like you, are traveling and want the decorating completed before they leave on their trip so they can return to a decorated home. It is all in personal taste. For me, I love Christmas and decorate everything but the tree before Thanksgiving. I always hold off on the tree until after the turkey because I like a real tree and don’t want to create a fire hazard. If I had an artificial tree, who knows? Do what you want to do. After all, it is your home and your holiday.

Source: K. Depew, News Director