The Buzzz!!

the buzzz small featuredThe buzz word this week is “send”. The head governmental hive met this week and the result ended in a waspish four hour ending. Buzzy Bees in the know are buzzing that some sticky correspondence had some in the swarm as mad as a hornet. The low humm is that the nasty note originated in the red, white and blue hive and it had at least one of the swarm ready to change a yea to a nay. The low, low humm is that it is not the only misinformation and power play flying around.

And in other buzz, a new King in the hive on the hill as some of the drones on shaky ground. The buzz says that it isn’t the new head of the hive that will be the change getter, it is the infiltration of the enemy that has most a buzz. The DOE hive is still showing the recent split and the outcome could be stinging for more than one. The buzz says that the votes could bee telling when the head of the financial hive is at stake. Buzzzz.

Source: K. Depew, News Director