Thanksgiving Happiness

Really 300xSometimes I like to share some of life’s great secrets with my students. Now, before the more experienced of my readers gets their fur up because these kids aren’t having to roll down a college hill and break a foot learning what life is about, let me assure you I keep the important stuff, like the value of bathroom spray, the need to limit how long you stay at your in-laws, and the gastrointestinal benefits of moderation at the Chinese buffet safely locked away. Keep it secret. Keep it safe. That’s my motto. I only share the frivolous matters, like the value of giving thanks.

Too many times, we focus on the negative aspects of our lives, leading to sadness, even misery. Yes, it’s bad that the dog chewed a hole in your favorite pair of underwear or traffic was more congested than that little kid’s dripping snot all over the next table while you were trying to eat lunch. And it’s certainly bad when tragedy, true tragedy, strikes. But those aren’t the only things happening in our world. To be thankful is to look for the good in your life. A thankful person does not dwell on what is wrong. They appreciate what is right. And one of life’s great secrets is that when you pay more attention to the good in your day, you are happier. Living a thankful life means living a happy life. This Thanksgiving, I wish you all the happiness in the world, and intact undergarments.

Source: David Swann