The Buzzz!!

the buzzz small featuredThe buzz word this week is sour grapes. The financial hive will bee in full swarm this week as the search for a new head drone gets underway. Buzzy Bess in the know are buzzying that a flash from the recent past has been hovering around some recent meetings. The low humm is that the wanna bee has been dipping his wing into business that isn’t his and has been met with a chilly response from the majority of the hive. The low, low humm is that there could bee more than just casual interest at hand and some are looking in the yellow pages to find the answer.

And in other buzz, is it possible that the pines could bee on the receiving end of an early Christmas gift, The buzz says that it could bee wrapped in multi million dollar paper and held together by ties that bond…err…bind. Buzzzz.

Source: K. Depew, News Director