The Buzzz!!

the buzzz small featuredThe buzz word this week is “confusing.” The financial wing of the head governmental hive met this week and some are feeling the sting. Buzzy Bees in the know are buzzing that the drones took a page from the playbook of the hive on the hill. The low humm is that their choice is getting less buzz than their process and a mid state call could bee the fly in the ointment. The low, low humm is that some in the swarm are mad as a hornet at the ties that bind and the number fourteen is already bee ing whispered by some of the drones.

And in the same buzz (bee cause it was the BIG BUZZ this week) the buzz says that the split in the head hive is already showing but a few of the drones are thinking of crossing old divides to address the process. The buzz says that it isn’t only the grinch that is green this Christmas, as at least one yea was chased with an antacid. Buzzzzz.

Source: K. Depew, News Director