Snow Day Holidays

Really 300xI realize most people think the holiday season ends once New Year’s Day is in our rear view mirror. But ask any child, or better yet any teacher, and they will quickly correct your error. Tis the season of snow days. Ah, the glorious ring of a One Call liberating your day and your spirit. Jack Frost, you are a welcome friend, you unpredictable fool, as long as you arrive before the early buses run. There is the sledding and the swooshing and hot chocolate with marshmallows. Noses wiped by parents. Reminders to bundle up given by parents. “Put that down,” “Don’t jump on that,” and “Be nice to her,” all said by parents. Thirty minute planning period, nay be gone. A full day to plan, in pajamas, by a roaring fire, watching the Today Show.

You may recall that magical feeling that danced across your heart as the first snowflakes began to drift then cascade to the ground. Never forget your children still feel that same magic. And their teachers feel it a thousand times more with a good dose of relief, a sprinkle of “Maybe this will help me with that nervous twitch,” and a bit of “Parents will appreciate me more after their eye starts twitching like mine,” thrown in.

Source: David Swann