The Buzzz!!

the buzzz small featuredThe buzz word this week is “broke.” The head governmental hive met this week and the bottom line has some as confused as a yellow jacket in a spring blizzard. Buzzy bees in the know are buzzing that the drones will have to look up to see the bottom of the honey jar and the pollination pleading just keeps coming. The low humm is that it is a steely situation that could bee the breaking point. The low, low humm is that the price of a ride has some of the drones seeing double.

And in other buzz, sidestepping could bee problematic for the historic hive. The buzz says that waterfront may bee waterloo if the drones don’t take a page from the megamistake. The magic 8 ball says that like partners and questionable answers can lead to a sticky situation and a waspish response requiring a better exit plan than just a bridge over water. Buzzzzz.

Source: K. Depew, News Director