Goat Evolution

Really 300xAs some of you know, I have a mild, perfectly normal interest in goats. Yes, I explored the concept of a fully functional pack goat and concluded its awesomeness would surpass the awesomeness of a fully functional Death Star. That is a perfectly reasonable conclusion and does not even suggest any sort of obsession. It is also true that I have considered dressing a goat as a little old lady and driving it around town, very slowly, pausing to tell everyone I see that I’m driving my Grandma. Once again, this is clearly a reasonable venture with enormous merit. Truthfully, who hasn’t considered these things?

Unfortunately, in my house, such normalcy is judged harshly, and I got unfairly labeled. But the truth is about to be revealed. Yes, yes, there is a goat obsession in my household, but it is not mine. For several days, my girls have been glued to their electronic devices. What, you may ask, are these hypocrites doing? They are playing Goat Evolution. Oh, your eyes are not deceiving you. The only deceit is in the goat derision I receive at the hands of these hypocritical goat gamers. Now, if you will so kindly excuse me, I am going to take a moment and do a superiority dance all up in their goat playing grills.

Source: David Swann