The Buzzz!!

the buzzz small featuredThe buzz word this week is “buoyancy.” The head governmental hive will meet this week and some interesting things will bee on the table. Buzzy Bees in the know are buzzing that deep cuts could bee on the agenda this season and that some departmental hives have already been told pollination will be at a minimum. The low humm is that a mid six figure slash could bee on the horizon for one hive and that other pollination shortages could bee in the lower six for others. The low, low humm is that dipping into the honey jar this season will get nothing but sticky fingers.

And in other buzzz, while some may bee pouting at pollination time, the buzz says that the mid state hive is looking to open a nest of nasty and it has enough initials to make it fly. Saying no to the local drones may bee all well and good but even the swarm can’t say no when the sting is lowered and it requires a hefty dip in the honey jar. Chlorinate, pollinate and all without the proper apparatus. Buzzzz.

Source: K. Depew, News Director