Lengthy Discussions

editorial-logo3It may be reaching to think that other people’s offices are like mine and that tax abatements and wheel tax are the hot topics of conversation. But, in my neck of the wood it is the stuff that lengthy discussions are made of. Suffice it to say that there is some disagreement regarding the viability of the most recent tax abatement, with me in the nay column and my editor taking an opposing view. And, since he is in possession of the delete button, I will try to be moderately good on this one. What I will say is this-while I may not always agree with my elected officials and do not expect to, I absolutely expect a fair playing field for those that they govern, be it business or individual. To that end, I am earnestly watching for a policy concerning retail tax abatements to ensure that all retailers that meet the criteria get the same treatment. Cherry picking may be fun in your grandmother’s front yard but it has no place in government. Fair is fair. And that is something that I believe that we all can agree on.

As far as the wheel tax goes, it is a tax. What can I say? No one likes to pay additional taxes but I fear that the wheel tax is just the warm up band for the headliner and I see the words Property Tax Increase in glaring marquee lights. We are in the January of financial holes. You know what I mean-the time when the credit cards statements come in from all the stuff you bought at Christmas. The packages are long unwrapped and the toys are sitting alone in the corner while the kids watch television but the bill is brand new and waiting to be paid. This is the season of regret, which will get us absolutely nowhere. Should have, would have, could have. Wheel tax. Property tax. Some want one and some want the other. I am betting on both so everyone wins and everyone loses.

On a brighter note, I have it on good authority that the powers that be are working diligently at Rush Strong to fix the sewer problem and that, as it turns out, it may be an easier fix than anticipated. Makes one wonder what the hold up was. Did it take four years to find the fix or was no one looking?

On an entirely different note,I have discovered that compromise is a funny animal. In the end no one feels really bad and no one feels really good. Kind of like you might feel two days after a stomach virus. Note to self-straddling the fence can cause chafing.

Source: K. Depew, News Director