DOE’s Fund Balance Looks Bleak

The Jefferson County School Board held their regular voting meeting on Thursday, March 26, 2015 in the media center of Jefferson County High School.

School Board Chairman Jarnigan Called the Meeting to Order. Absent from Roll Call were Board Members Bradley and Vines. Special Focus for the meeting was the JCHS Service Learning Class and JCHS SCOPE participants. JCHS Band Director Greg Jones appeared before the Board to spotlight the recent successful trip that the Band made to New York and several accolades that they were awarded. Following a Motion from Board Member Cavanah and 2nd from Board Member Lowery, the Agenda, amended to include Rush Strong School Sewer and Kindergarten Registration, was Approved. The Consent Agenda was Approved with a Motion from Board Member Potts and 2nd from Board Member Rogers.

One citizen appeared before the Board to ask for consideration on the cell phone policy that currently holds a student’s cell phone for 30 days if it is confiscated.

Under Items for Information, the school system audit of individual schools was presented by Don McFarland. He stated that though there were findings in the audit report, it pointed to overall improvement. Director of Schools Edmonds informed the Board that the cost of a turn lane at the Patriot Academy would be around $9,000 with $6,000 of that being through the Jefferson County Highway Department and $3,000 through an independent contractor. He stated that the patriot Academy account would still have around $108,000 for later use. Director Edmonds presented the non salary budget first draft for viewing of the Board. He said that numbers will not be in from the State until mid April on BEP funds. Overall, the first look budget of non salary items includes a $58,962 increase over this fiscal year.

Under New Business, the Board Approved , with a Motion from Cavanah and 2nd from Lowery, Budget Amendments #3 and #10 from the general fund, #10 from federal fund and #3 from the food service fund. Board Member Potts requested that general budget amendment #11, concerning a use of fund balance in the amount of $78,685 for Trustee’s commission,workman’s comp and building contents and insurance be separated from the other amendments and expressed concern that the funds were impacting fund balance. Jefferson County Finance Director Potts informed the Board that the fund balance available for use if the amendment was approved would be $800,000 ( with consideration of a mandated floor for the general fund balance). By consent the Board will address the item at a later meeting to allow time for the Department of Education to find line items to absorb the $78,685.

The Board also decided to postpone action of declaring surplus property from Talbott Elementary School until other schools and departments have viewed the surplus list. Additionally, the 2015-16 school calendar was postponed to allow input from absent Board Members. With a Motion from Rogers and 2nd from Potts Technology items were Approved for surplus. TSBA dues were Approved with a Motion from Lowery and 2nd from Rogers, as was a $200 contribution to the Jefferson County Chamber of Commerce ( reverse order) ( Potts abstained). Installation of new playground equipment found favor, as did a proposed JCHS Outdoor Classroom, with Motions from Cavanah and Rogers, respectively, and 2nds from Rogers and Lowery.

Director of Jefferson County Schools Business Affairs Phagan stated that work is being done at Rush Strong School to get the numbers down on the sewer system and the plan is to go back for permitting to the state. He said that they would like to get off of the creek that feeds the Holston River and that will require a drip field but the soil is currently unsuitable. Phagan said that the system is not currently fixed but improvements have been made and the costs are unclear at this point.

Kindergarten registration will be clearly denoted on the website, per a request by Board Member Cavanah. Added to the next meeting agenda is a request by Board Member Potts to bring information on the owner and contractor’s contingencies, as well as information on a $350,000 change order moving funds to furniture and fixtures. Board Member Cavanah requested that White Pine School be added as an item for the next meeting.

Source: K. Depew, News Director