The Buzzz!!

the buzzz small featuredThe buzz word this week is “balanced.” The budgeting hive convened and made a pollination proclamation that left some outside the swarm as confounded as a gnat in a ceiling fan. Buzzy Bees in the know are buzzing that deep cuts could bee even deeper than most of the drones imagine. The low humm is that the sting of the budget season could bee the anaphylactic shock that some have been waiting for. The low, low humm is that a pledge is a pledge, but some alliances are thicker than honey.

And in other buzz, the bottom line could bee driving the drones at one high dollar appendage but the buzz says that there is a new eagle eye in town. A high pollination boo boo is more than a letter away and the drones with the red ink have their eyes toward the Davidson county line. The exodus of one highly pollinated drone from the hive on the hill has some speculating if there was more than 25,000 reasons to leave the nest. Buzzzzz.

Source: K. Depew, News Director