The Buzzz!!

the buzzz small featuredThe buzz word this week is “pork.” The DOE hive met this week and questions were flying. Buzzy bees in the know are buzzing that finding a little extra ham on the hock could bee more creative than coincidence. The low humm is that fuzzy funds are opening a nest of nasty in the swarm. The low, low humm is that interesting numbers are more back to the future and are receiving a waspish response from the head governmental hive.

And in other buzzz, the working drones are mad as a hornet and the buzz says that the rift has some local hive high fliers ready to lower the sting on each other. One drone overstepping could bee problematic for the DOE hive, especially if the powers that bee side with the working class. All buzzy bees know that no word is good word but suspicious silence has some wondering if the long good by is more a question for the legal eagle or just playing fair. Buzzz.

Source: K. Depew, News Director