Budget Committee Holds Tight For No Property Tax Increase

Budget Committee Meeting, April 20, 2015Staff Photo by Jeff Depew

Budget Committee Meeting, April 20, 2015
Staff Photo by Jeff Depew

The numbers were challenging for the Jefferson County Budget Committee as they met on Tuesday evening, April 21, 2015, to address County Departmental Budgets for the 2015-2016 fiscal year. Department Heads were on hand to answer Commission questions but few were called to the podium, as only four individual department budgets were addressed in the nearly four hour budgeting session. Early in the meeting, Committee Member Kesterson made a Motion for an across the board 5% cut from all departments from the 2014-2015 unamended budget and was 2nd by Committee Member Musick but the motion would never come to vote. Tucker made a successful motion to table the Kesterson/Musick motion and was 2nd by Committee Member Turner.

Jefferson County Finance Director Potts brought budget requests from Department Heads that left the Committee searching for almost $2 million dollars to balance the budget. With more than $645,000 in uncontrolled increases and $52,971 designated as additional needs, there was unanticipated good news in the medical insurance line, as Potts informed the Committee that, though as much as a 7% increase had been anticipated, there would be a zero increase this fiscal year in medical insurance. Jefferson County Mayor Palmieri addressed the Committee and expressed his concern that the committee appeared committed to a zero property tax increase. The Mayor stated that the dire financial situation that the County is in was a result of large building program appropriations with no increase in revenue. He said that to cut departments in Jefferson County will decrease the amount of services that citizens receive and that it is fiscally irresponsible to totally take the possibility of a property tax increase off the table. Palmieri also requested that the Committee investigate other avenues of revenue. Committee Member Beeler stated that cutting services should be a last resort and increasing revenue, possibly through the mineral tax ( previously proposed by Mayor Palmieri) should be investigated. Tucker made a Motion to impose a 15 cent per ton mineral tax and was 2nd by Turner. Budget Committee Chairman Scarlett cautioned against balancing the budget with an unknown tax, which might or might not produce the anticipated revenue. Number of tons suggested as viable for the purpose of projection were between 8 and 10 million tons annually. Chairman Scarlett made an attempt to postpone the issue and was 2nd by Seal but the postponement failed with Seal, Scarlett, Solomon and Gaut in favor. The Tucker/Turner Motion was approved 6-4 with Seal, Scarlett, Solomon and Gaut voting No.

Commissioner Tucker offered a Motion to instruct Director Potts to bring back a balanced budget, with cuts at his discretion but the Motion did not find favor with the Committee and failed in a tie vote. Both E 911 and Emergency Services had come before the Committee with neither finding favor for requested increases to deal with personnel shortages. County Buildings had better luck with mandated increases. However, it was debate regarding the Sheriff’s budget that found the Committee at a stalemate. Motions to accept as presented, to cut and to table all failed. Some Committee members expressed a desire for an across the board cut to keep all departments treated equal, while others stated their concern that to not address a property tax increase would be further pushing back the issue. Tucker made a Motion, seconded by Turner, to use an anticipated $750,000 from mineral tax as revenue in balancing the budget. The Motion was Approved 6-4 with Solomon, Seal, Scarlett and Gaut voting No. Committee members began crunching numbers and ultimately it was Tucker who offered the successful Motion, seconded by Kesterson. The Motion read that $750,000 from anticipated mineral tax revenue, $600,000 of the hospital lease money ( $750,000) and an across the board 3% cut from every County Department would be used to meet the 2015/2016 proposed budget (which included mandated and requested items). After fending off two failed amendments, the Tucker/Kesterson Motion was Approved 6-4.

Source: K. Depew, News Director