Double Trouble

editorial-logo3Sometimes, the rightness or wrongness of an issue is not nearly as important as the process. Many times, because we are human and come at issues from different perspectives, we have different opinions. And that doesn’t necessarily mean that one is right and the other is wrong. But everyone, regardless of what side of the table they sit on, wants to be treated with respect.

I thought that was one lesson that was learned with the mega site but apparently I was mistaken. Agree or don’t agree with the people in the Oak Grove Community that came out in force last week concerning a sign variance of 180 feet that was granted by the Jefferson County Board of Zoning Appeals. Certainly, they were upset by the decision to grant the variance but they were more upset in being sidestepped in the process.

We must remember, that while we are searching for a diversified tax base, we must also,always, consider our citizens first. They are the life blood of this county and without them we, Jefferson County, would not exist. Communication is so simple and yet we just keep getting it wrong. There really is no excuse.

Another item that has come to my attention this week is the plight of several dozen Jefferson County High School seniors that will not get their Tennessee Promise money due to a “glitch”. This is simply inexcusable. No government program should be so inflexible that it cannot address its own shortcomings. Call your representatives and let them know that Our students are important to this county and we expect them to be treated as such. Shame on Tennessee Promise for teaching these children early just how inefficient and unequal government “equality” programs can be. We must stand for our children because they cannot stand for themselves, yet. And when they can one day have a voice in government, I hope that they speak loud and clear.

What goes around, comes around. Especially in a world that goes round and round. Perhaps that is why we are often caught just chasing our tail.

Source: K. Depew, News Director