The Buzzz!!

the buzzz small featuredThe buzz word this week is “rejected.” The head governmental hive saw a divide in the swarm when a new tax proposal got a rocky reception. Buzzy Bees in the know are buzzing that it may take a divining rod to find a team player when the pollination count starts again this week. The low humm is that upper level drones may bee feeling the sting of a honey jar gone dry. The low, low humm is that gifts from a favorite uncle come with strings attached and double dipping is a no no, relatively speaking.

And in other buzz, some of the drones in the DOE hive are suiting up for a throw down. The buzz says that keeping things buttoned down tight might not be sticky among those that share and share alike but the assumed hierarchy is getting a waspish reaction from other parts of the hive. Putting it in park could be like setting a torch to a hornet’s nest but it could bee the tie that binds in a strange twist of pollination politics. Buzzzzz

Source: K. Depew, News Director