Slipping Into the Rabbit Hole

editorial-logo3Sometimes it takes looking at where you have been to really appreciate where you are. In 1978, we were paying $3.99 in property tax, largely because we wanted new schools. In 2014 we have new schools and we are paying $2.35 in property taxes. Even in the skewed world of politics and finances, something just doesn’t make sense here. Sure there are several factors that are involved in establishing a property tax rate but none of them negate the fact that building programs come with a price tag attached.

We can pay it this year or we can pay it next year. But every year we put it off and push it back, we take more and more from our reserves and we have no means of replenishing those funds. I don’t know what the County Commission will decide to do on Monday. But, the fact remains that most of the County Commission, even those opposed to a property tax increase, agree that it is simply putting off the inevitable. You know, we have a history of that in Jefferson County. We put off building new schools, and look where that got us.

In the end, for me, it appears very simple. The Jefferson County Finance Director is advising to not dip into reserves. The financial adviser, who assists with our bonds, is advising to not dip into reserves. Professional opinions are only of value if you actually consider their advise. Seriously consider their advise. If I don’t agree with my doctor, I will ask for a second opinion. We did that and he concurred with the Finance Director. Maybe we need a third opinion. Or maybe we need a good dose of reality. Monday night is the first step in the process of digging out of a neck deep hole. We need to quickly find a holistic approach to addressing our finances or we may soon find that instead of neck deep, we are truly over our head.

I predict that this week will not be pretty and that is a shame because every situation does not need to slip into a political mess. It will be what it will be and there is very little that the residents of Jefferson County can do about it. When twenty one voices speak and no one listens, not even to their own experts, there is a fundamental breakdown in the fabric of our county. It is not necessary to agree but it is necessary to conduct business like business. Regardless, I fear that this week is going to mark a downward turn in the conducting of business in Jefferson County. I hope that I am wrong and that cooler, clearer heads prevail but history is not on the side of reason. At least not when it comes to politics.

Source: K. Depew, News Director