Letting It Fly

editorial-logo3Last week was filled with dissension, as the public lined up on everything from the Confederate Flag to Gay Marriage to Veto. And while those are entirely different issues there is a core of sameness. I will have to admit that I have never worn or flown the Confederate flag. In fact, until this week( high school history class aside) I really hadn’t given it much thought. Certainly, it has become a symbol of the south, along with “Dixie Land” and moonshine. But, I must admit that I never really considered it to have racial connotations.

Does racism exist? Sure it does. But do not be mistaken, there is no race that is exempt from racism. It is not simply a black and white issue. Undoubtedly, there are people of color that face challenges and stereotypes everyday based on nothing but hue. But being a middle class, white male is no picnic anymore either. Colleges and companies are looking for diversification. Simple put that means that middle class white guys are pretty far down their list.

Thirty years ago, in Jefferson County, there was very little interracial dating. Today, it is often even difficult to define a person’s race. We are, and have always been, a Nation of mutts. Racial lines are so blurry that I predict that in twenty years that they will be non exsistant. Of course, there will be people of all colors that will hold fast to those old racial divides but the majority have already moved well beyond the days of segregation and million man marches. Yea for us! We, as a Nation, are finally growing up. There have been some growing pains along the way but we are getting there, just so long as we do not buy into the media frenzy that often goes far beyond reporting racism into creating situations of racial tension. We cannot control what our neighbor thinks but we can control our own actions. I do not expect others to think or look or act or believe the same way that I do. Our strength is in our differences and what we can, individually, bring to the table.

It is time that we stop letting people that are clearly insane drive the direction that we take as a Country. Racism was not the driving force behind the horrific assault in South Carolina-insanity was the driving force at work. We should not allow the fabric of our Country to be shredded by the actions of a few evil, insane individuals. I contend that if we are willing to let it go, racism will go the way of the Confederate Flag. It will be a thread in the fabric of our history that is simply one small part of a whole. Neither will ever be forgotten, no matter what closet you store them in, nor will they be defining, no matter how high they are flown.

As for gay marriage and Veto, both are seriously hot topics and no where near as clear as the Confederate Flag. I have always been a great proponent of the government staying as far out of the private lives of their citizens as possible. And I believe that elected officials have an obligation to their citizenship. Too bad that some issues cannot come before the people for popular vote. One voter, one vote, every one counting the same. I have been married for almost 27 years and know that it is not for the faint of heart. Marriage is a tough gig and requires more compromise than any government entity, even the Supreme Court, can begin to attain. It is almost amusing that so many straight couples are trying to get out of marriage while some many gay couples are trying to get in. Actually, marriage is, or should be, serious business and I hope that it will not become a statement rather than a covenant.

As for the power to Veto, that remains to be seen. I would think that if you have the power to Veto and seriously disagree with an issue, you have an obligation to Veto. As for me, I would like to have the power to Veto. My husband would contend that I already do but I really, really want a stamp that says Veto, just to make it official. Perhaps that is what I will get for my next anniversary. Yeah, probably not.

From the Jefferson County Post Family to Yours-have a safe and Happy 4th of July!

Source: K. Depew, News Director