The Buzzz!!

the buzzz small featuredThe buzz word this week was “shocking.” News bees were buzzing this week about an unauthorized dip into the honey jar. Buzzy Bees in the know were buzzing that a hat trick of sticky fingers has the magnifying glass trained on the local hive. The low humm is that questionable activities combined with the circling of the legal eagles has some wagging their antennas. The low, low humm is that there are 16,000 reasons that a moral majority could bee more costly than simply reconsidering the pollination proclamation.

And in other buzzz, the exodus of the DOE hive has some parental bees looking confused at the closed door. The buzz says that the current arrangement may not bee permanent but the chances of the drones flying home get smaller with every outside contract. The historic hive may bee in a swarm about a pollination divide but the buzz says that a thin layer of honey may not bee worth stinging the hand that feeds. Buzzzz.