The Buzzz!!

the buzzz small featuredThe buzz word this week is “alignment.” The head governmental hive met last week and there was a lot of flapping of wings but not much taking flight, as the swarm convened for take two. Buzzy Bees in the know are buzzing that a few of the drones are looking for a seat on the throne but it may all come down to voting order. The low humm is that additions and deletions from the paperwork have stirred a nest of nasty and the legal eagles are lining up to see if every drone has his day. The low, low humm is that playing both side of the fence could bee sticky, especially if some flying the straight and narrow find its the flip side of the same coin.

And in other buzzz, questionable decisions are in the spotlight as pollination re purposing comes at a waspish time for the DOE hive. The buzz says that supposes and round a bouts are wagging antennas across the County Hive and has left some in the pines wondering just where they come into the mix. Buzzzzz.