The Buzzz!!

the buzzz small featuredThe buzz word this week was “undeniable.” The head governmental hive met not once, but twice this week. Buzzy Bees in the know are buzzing that the swarm is happy that their plans found wings. The low humm is that revisiting a nest of nasty has been given the no go from one behind the scenes high flier. The low, low humm is that the end of the clash of the king bees, at least publicly, could bee closer than it looks.

And in other buzzz, the buzz says that one of the drones lobbing for a couple of additional dips in the honey pot was almost the fly in the soup. Orange may bee the new black but it neither mixes well with red, white and blue. A new issue could bee on the horizon and a new clash could bee sticky as some are already looking at what is buzzing in the shadows and just who is on the move. Buzzzz.