The Tricks and Treats, as I See Them

editorial-logo3Glowing eyes and things that go bump in the night can send chills down the spine of even the bravest of souls. For those that are generally a little squirrlely anyway, the shadows of late October can be terrifying. In honor of those things that make us want to scream, I am offering my list of tricks and treats.

Treats can come in many packages but the recent unilateral support of funding for renovations and construction at White Pine School is the equivalent of getting a jumbo candy bar and a caramel apple from the same house. This funding package is a new way of doing business in Jefferson County, actually determining what we have and spending within our limits instead of going out on a very creaky financial limb. What a treat to actually do what is right and do it within budget!

Coming in first on the tricks list is the number of times that our schools have been evacuated because of threats. It seems like everyday that someone is evacuated but even worse than multiple evacuations is the fact that sometimes there is no evacuation. I get it. And it would be so tempting to refuse to rise to the bait and stay firmly put in classrooms when one of these threats is made. But, it is the horrible reality that sometimes threats are not just threats and sometimes the one crying wolf sneaks around and bites you on the rear. Nobody likes begin held hostage to threats but being wrong, just once, is a tragedy.

Treats to our first responders, who have had a pretty rough fall this year. Police, Fire Fighters, EMS, E-911, Rescue Squad, most of whom make so little that it is appalling or are completely volunteer, you keep us going and we know that sometimes it takes a lot out of you. Treats for keeping on keeping on!

Treats to the County Commission and Finance Director Potts for looking ahead and adopting the hybrid benefit plan. The benefits don’t change for those already employed and they are still great for new hires. The County saves money and puts more than just a band aid on the bleeding. Kudos for thinking ahead and not just putting out financial fires as they crop up!

Tricks to using prisoners on school grounds. There are many reasons that this is just not appropriate and I thought that I had considered all of them. Until one more was presented to me this week-aside from the obvious potential danger, what if the prisoner is related to one the the students? In this day and age, when, rightly or wrongly, we consider every altercation between students to be bullying, should we not consider the potential outcome if the prisoner is related to a student? To check a student out of school, you must be on a list and present identification, for the protection of the student. Teachers and subs and other employees , including contract employees, have to have a background check. Where does working prisoners on school grounds work into security? There is a list a mile long of students that cannot have their pictures taken due to parental issues. Was this taken into consideration when making the decision to bring prisoners onto school grounds? Hey, I am all for free labor and I think that most people deserve a second chance but this does not seem to fall in the category of good decision making.

Treats to living in a community that comes together to support each other. We have weathered tragedy before and we will certainly not be immune to it in the future. But, we live in a place where people care. They go out of their way to support their neighbors. It is in times of crisis that people show their true nature and this community is blessed . It is not popular in today’s culture to mention race or religion or sexual orientation. I really don’t care what is considered politically correct. As anyone who reads the editorial from time to time already knows, political correctness is not a high priority for me. So, gasp, I will say it. We are a community that loves God, Country, Family and our neighbors. And that, my friends, is worth much more than a bushel of candy.

Tricks to the County Commission for their head in the sand approach to a Motion offered by Commissioner Blevins that would have put to bed once and for all the question of high elected officials on the agenda for both the Work Session and Voting Meeting. It was a good compromise for everyone and, to be honest, I cannot understand anyone’s problem with the motion. I don’t mind someone having a different opinion, as long as they have a reason for their opinion. It is not good enough to vote for or against something without real defensible reason. To simply go with the flow is to be swept away. And personality conflict is never a good enough reason to influence a vote. I expect more from our Commissioners than a zombie like approach to touchy issues. Maybe my expectations are just too high.

So, there you have it. Tricks and Treats for this Halloween. You may not agree and that’s okay. Who was it that once said that if everyone thinks alike, someone isn’t thinking? I hope that you and yours have a safe,appropriately spooky Halloween, filled with many more treats than tricks. From the Jefferson County Post family to yours-Happy Halloween!

Source: K. Depew, News Director