Does HGH Slow Aging?

Does HGH Slow Aging?

Human growth hormone is a naturally occurring developmental hormone, also known as HGH. Several research studies have examined the question of HGH slowing the aging process. Studies are still ongoing, but low levels of this hormone are associated with many symptoms of getting older such as weight gain, depression and decreased bone density. Testing by a clinic like ours is the best way of finding accurate information about your levels of HGH and how it may be associated with aging symptoms you are experiencing.

Testing for HGH is not as straightforward as testing for low testosterone. This is because HGH levels can vary widely throughout the day and are also affected by exercise, sleep and other factors. In order to get an accurate reading of a person’s HGH levels, our doctors use multiple measurements and factor in other important information about a patient’s overall health and age when diagnosing growth hormone deficiency.

HGH occurs naturally in high amounts when people are in childhood and adolescence. It is the hormone that causes development during a person’s early years. When levels go down in adulthood, aging occurs. When levels are low during childhood, short stature and even dwarfism can be the result. For this reason, HGH treatment has been prescribed for many decades in clinics like ours.

Besides the high levels of HGH naturally occurring during childhood, there is also an increase in production throughout life during sleep. In fact, the production of HGH during sleep is what causes the refreshed feeling a person has when they wake up after a restful night. A decrease in HGH may be responsible for older people having trouble sleeping.

By the time a person is in their 60s, levels of growth hormone have dropped to about 20 percent of what they are when a person is a young adult. In recent decades, HGH treatments have become more available due to the discovery of a synthetic form of the hormone called somatropin.

But not all brands are of the same quality. The HGH used in our clinic are always produced in certified laboratories and are of the highest pharmaceutical grade. This is an important consideration when using this treatment.

Natural production of HGH is controlled by a center in the brain called the hypothalamus. The intestines and pancreas are also involved, although it is the pituitary gland that is the master regulator of HGH production. The pituitary gland becomes smaller and less productive during the aging process.

The amino acid L-arginine also stimulates the natural production of human growth hormone. This amino acid is found in high protein foods like pork, chicken, chickpeas, dairy products and pumpkin seeds. Supplements are also available. Combining foods high in L-arginine with exercise has been shown to boost HGH in both younger and older people.

As with all medical treatments, using HGH as an anti-aging remedy can have side-effects. Talking to a doctor at our clinic can answer your questions about side-effects, benefits and treatment options with HGH.

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