The Buzzz!!

the buzzz small featuredThe buzz word this week is “frozen.” The head governmental hive will meet this week and the swarm will bee looking at putting some pollination in the deep freeze. Buzzy Bees in the know are buzzing that a six figure push from one could bee the stinger in the mix. The low, humm is that the high number has some antennas wagging but it will likely come down to no drones wanting to deal with the waspish reaction. The low, low humm is that some are wondering what motivating factors keep the wheels turning.

And in other buzzz, questionable decisions have some in the head hive wondering how long they were going to bee kept in the dark. The buzzz says that dueling objectives could bee the reason for a mini vacation and the absence of leadership, especially with so much pollination on the line, has more than one high flier looking for the fly in the honey jar. The buzz says that expansion is the new four letter buzz word and it comes with a ten dip stinger. Buzzzzz.

Source: K. Depew, News Director