The Buzzz!!

the buzzz small featuredThe buzz word this week is “terse.” The DOE hive convened and it was a sticky conversation. Buzzy Bees in the know are buzzing that watching the bottom line is could bee the dividing line that separates the yeas and nays. The low humm is that big differences can make for cold bedfellows. The low, low humm is that some may bee planning on an additional pollination boost and looking for a friendly face to legitimize another deep dip in the honey jar.

And in other buzz, the historic hive may bee putting in their two cents on a proposed exodus. The buzz says that one has their eye on the hive on the hill as an alternate but making the move could bee more than even a couple of high fliers can make happen. At least one in the swarm has his eye on the prize and could bee looking to bee crowned about the time the swarm graduates. Buzzz.