AEC Brings Real Value to Members

Efficiency Efforts Increasing Across Electric Service Area

AEC Member Service representative, Lora Stout presents an incentive check to Lowes for efficiency measures installed at their Jefferson City location.

AEC Member Service representative, Lora Stout presents an incentive check to Lowes for efficiency measures installed at their Jefferson City location.

AEC released its annual report on energy efficiency programs for 2015; outlining over 4,400 individual projects completed, saving a total of 2,662,494 Kilowatt hours of electricity. Residential members across the AEC service area accounted for the majority of project installs through the EnergyRight program, netting a savings of 1,687,907 Kwh or approximately $168,800 on respective electric bills. Local commercial members saved an additional 975,587 Kwh of energy, representing a savings of $97,450.00. In addition to the energy savings of the installed measures, AEC provided over $267,311 in incentives, helping members make the move to energy efficient equipment. Program funding is made available to the Cooperative by TVA. Overall, AEC has aggressively worked to secure over $500,000 in savings for its members this past year. That’s real value!

AEC’s most popular residential energy efficiency program is called eScore. Through this program, members can receive a home energy audit and an evaluation of the home’s efficiency. From there, members can rely on expert advice on measures they might want to consider installing, to improve the efficiency and value of their homes. Things like new HVAC systems, insulation, air sealing, windows and other energy efficient measures. AEC maintains a Quality Contractor Network of highly trained and skilled contractors, who can install the desired measures. Once the member installs any measure, AEC inspects the quality of the installation for greater member satisfaction. Finally, AEC offers incentives to assist the homeowner with the purchase of installed measures and offers financing options for energy efficiency projects. During the past year, Co-op members spent 2.1 million on improvements to their homes efficiency. Through the eScore program, AEC was able to leverage $85,950.00 in incentives to offset that investment. Other energy efficiency programs included 36 new home construction projects, 96 manufactured home projects and 194 self-installed projects, like water heaters, lighting, etc.

As for commercial programs, AEC members spent almost 2.8 million on efficiency measures. The most common upgrades are in lighting, but HVAC, refrigeration equipment and motors are also eligible. AEC completed 10 projects this past year, leveraging over $65,500 in incentive payments. The Co-op also completed 5 renewable energy projects during the past 12 months.

AEC continues to provide the membership with reliable, safe and efficient electric service in a courteous and timely manner at an affordable cost. As a part of this mission, we offer programs designed to increase knowledge, improve efficiency and bring lasting value to our members. To find out more or to join your neighbors in savings, contact the Member Services Department of the Co-op at extension 1880.

Source: Efficiency Efforts Increasing Across Electric Service Area