The Buzzz!!

the buzzz small featuredThe buzz word for this week is “May.” The head governmental hive will fly free when the legal eagles convene as the dogwoods bloom. Buzzy Bees in the know are buzzing that while some didn’t make the short list, one was left standing alone. The low humm is that while it was less that shocking, it does pose a sticky situation for the hive on the hill. The low, low humm is that inclusion and exclusions aside, a moderate win has some of the drones looking for cover.

And in other buzzz, recent actions have the antennas wagging, as more than a handful of drones are already testing their wings and with a coronation on the horizon. The buzz says that in politics few things are what they seem to bee on the surface. Like a phoenix rising, the click of the button says that a new nest of nasty may not bee more than a few months away, especially if the fight path stays cluttered. Buzzzz

Source: K. Depew, News Director